Gender Reveal Party with Fireworks!

In honor of baby #4, we decided to throw another fun gender reveal party. The month of April in Texas is perfect for evening parties outside, so my pyro-loving self immediately thought to celebrate with fireworks! See details about our last gender reveal party here.
 As I researched fireworks online, I found multiple options for a firework reveal, however, since April is outside the traditional summer firework season, most of the companies couldn't ship big-booming fireworks (unless I wanted to fork out tons of money for a special hazardous freight cargo trip.) So I decided to go with sparklers, smoke bombs, and confetti cannons. Besides, everyone loves playing with sparklers!

Another tidbit I learned about fireworks was that blue colored sparklers are tricky to come by chemically, and if you find some, they are frequently out of stock. Since days of scouring the Internet for blue fireworks resulted in nothing, I decided to go with a pink and green theme for our gender reveal. I ordered from Superior Celebrations because they had quick shipping, and a variety of choices. If you need fireworks or confetti cannons for a future event, check them out!

Our anatomy ultrasound was scheduled two days before our big party, so I ordered both pink and green fireworks. I wouldn't find out the gender in the doctor's office, only my husband would, so I was excited for our reveal. (I'm not good at keeping secrets, but he is. He would be the one to bring the correct fireworks out of the box when it was time.)

The theme of our Gender Reveal Party was the rhyme:

"Twinkle, twinkle little star. How we wonder what you are."

I decorated the back patio with gold stars, gold banners, and white tablecloths. All the refreshments were colored pink or green. Unfortunately I didn't realize until after the party ended that I didn't take a single picture of the decorations or the party - just the reveal. Woops!

Watch the video to see if we are having a baby girl or a baby boy!

I totally thought we would have a baby boy. Even though my morning sickness was miserable (as it was with my other daughters) I still thought we'd be adding a little brother to our family. Luckily, all our kids were hoping for another baby sister, so they got their wishes. Hooray for another sweet girl!

After the reveal, all the guests played with extra sparklers, confetti eggs, the popped confetti from the cannons. The confetti was probably everyone's favorite part, and we ended up popping the green cannon just to watch more confetti!

And now we're on the hunt for the perfect little girl's name.

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