March 2, 2017

Giveaway with Usborne Books (Pt 3)

There are so many great categories of books that Usborne Publishing has to offer. Look backwards on the blog to learn about their hands-on books (like wind-up books and sticker books) and non-fiction books for all hobbies and childhood interests (like dinosaurs and the human body).

Even your itty-bitty kiddos can learn to love reading! In today's post, Ruth will introduce you to books for babies and toddlers.

A few months ago I met Ruth, a Usborne book representative. Simon was playing with her book display at a fundraiser extravaganza and fell in love with a dinosaur sticker book. (Obviously, that book came home with us.) And now, I'm happy to announce that Ruth is sponsoring my next giveaway!! Woo-hoo!
Ruth is also contributing on the blog, and over the next four posts, she'll describe all the fun ways that Usborne books can enrich your family. These amazing books are not only educational and fun, but they are quality-made inexpensive items. Durable books that don't cost a fortune? A parent's dream come true, right?
Keep reading Ruth's helpful tips below and enter the Rafflecopter to win free books!


Good reading habits start from the very beginning your child's life, and that's the best place to start in those very first moments with your child when they are itty-bitty. Did you know that reading as an infant has a huge impact on their vocabulary, all the way into the toddler years? Along with building a vocabulary, reading with your infants and toddlers creates an association of warm and cuddly feelings with books. 

What about a busy little one? Let them play with their cars, dolls, blocks, etc, and read to them while they play. It is amazing how much they absorb, even when we don’t think they are listening! At this age, board books are strong enough to handle a toddlers rough play or a babies bite. Features of great board books include: vocabulary words, touchy-feely textures that stimulate sensory awareness, and sturdy pages. Our most popular series of board books is the “That’s Not My. . ." books. These board books are fun, colorful and full of sensory opportunities to help your little ones grow!

Toddlers can also benefit from Wipe-Clean books, Muddle and Match books, and Paper creating books. Does your child want enjoy farm animals sounds? How about cooking lesson books? A quiet puzzle book? Or a realxing coloring books? Usborne Books has something for every age and hobby in their online catalog.

Check out these great baby and toddler books and comment below with which one stood out to you most! You can also earn an extra entry by commenting on this video - you'll learn about even more amazing books to help your babies and toddlers learn.

Can't wait for the results of the giveaway? Books can be purchased via the following link:


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