Preschool Theme - Pirates

Arrrrrg Mateys!
Are you ready for some pirate themed preschool ideas?

The kids loved pirate day during my Mother's Morning Out preschool program. I had a blast too! This was probably one of my favorite days all summer. My son loved pirate day so much that he continued playing the games all week long. He even taught his grandparents how to play like a pirate. Below are some ideas you can use. Enjoy!

I made up one pirate themed preschool song:

"Pirate Row" (sung to the tune of Row Your Boat)

Row, row, row your ship gently out to sea.
Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho, it's the pirate life for me!

Row, row, row your ship on the ocean blue.
Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho, it's the pirate life for you!

Pirate Preschool Activities:

My favorite activity was "Captain's Orders." I created this game to be like Simon Says. The Captain would say something like, "Hoist the sails" or "Swab that deck," and then the pirate kids would have to do the motions. If someone didn't do the motion, he or she had to walk the plank - which meant going to the other side of the room and pretending to jump into water. Eventually, all but one kid would be floating with sharks. The remaining kid would be the new Captain. This is the game Simon played all week long, even with Grammy and Grandpa.

I snapped a picture of the other activities:
Sound and Letter Matching to pirate pictures

Digging for buried treasure! This was simply a very large bowl of pinto beans (less messy compared to sand) with jewelry and gold dollars mixed in. The kids took turns finding treasure.

We followed a map through the backyard until we found a box of treasure!

I cut out the the letters for each child's name, then each child dug through the letters to spell their name.
After the names were added, we glued feathers to the parrot picture. 

Each child made a pirate mask, complete with a custom hat and crayon beard,

Simon loved his mask!

This is my favorite running game. I call it "Color Corners." I tape pieces of colored paper around the room, and then I ask questions like, "Where is the green treasure chest?" The kids go running to find it. They'll run around for a long time, and I love that they get some energy out before we read stories.

I hope you found some inspiration for your own Pirate themed Preschool Activities. 
"Arrrggggg, have a nice day."
