Land Owners!

Today we signed the paperwork to officially purchase 10 acres of beautiful Texas hill country land.
What a lovely ending to my previous post and a testament to my heart that God answers prayers.

The view from where the house will be built, looking towards the road.

The pasture behind the oak tree grove where the house will be built. The picture doesn't do the pasture's beauty justice. It's lovely.

As we walked around the land we will soon own, my husband and I were both so excited and grateful for the turn of events that led us to this property. We wouldn't have discovered this beautiful land if we had not first experienced the loss of another dream property. Those tears and that heartache were real for me; I felt miserable when we lost the other property due to another person's higher bid offer. But, God was not punishing me, He was trying to steer me towards this better piece of land. I'm am grateful my mother counseled me to pray about my feelings and hopes and goals.

I often see counseling clients that feel punished by God. They feel unworthy for His blessings, and they struggle with low self-esteem. The sorrow I felt after the loss of the other property was real and consuming, but I am grateful I listened to my mother's advice and talked to God. I truly felt peace after a dedicated time to sincere prayer, and I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to suggest we take a family road trip to that town anyways. In following through with that prompting, we drove right past our (soon-to-be our) property! Johnny saw it first, and he was determined to go walk around the land. I'm glad we explored it because now we are buying it! 
As you listen to the promptings of God's Holy Spirit, I believe you will find the pathway to answer the questions you have.

Take a look at our new property! 
