March 26, 2015

Remembering the day he proposed

 Six years ago was a fantastic day. We became engaged!
I must be in a sentimental mood today because I have a photo explosion below.

Before he proposed we had talked quite a bit about getting married.
I did ask him to propose at a time when I looked super gorgeous, but apparently he forgot that part. He proposed after a bike ride through downtown Austin. I was wearing boys athletic shorts and my old high school dance team shirt. We tried to take pictures, but phone cameras were not so advanced "back then."

After we announced the news to everyone the preparations began. Along with the cake tasting, location scouting, and dress fittings, were the invitations. We hand-stamped hundreds of invitations!
Plus all the reception decor slowly built into a mountain in my small apartment bedroom. . . 

I loved our engagement pictures, so I thought I'd share my reminiscing.

Six months later we were finally married! 
August is the hottest month of the year in Texas. . . it was over 100 degrees outside on our wedding day. 
Photo credits: Berrett Photography

Flash forward to our happy, growing family! 
I am so grateful for this fantastic man in my life who says I'm beautiful even when I'm wearing basketball shorts and a faded t-shirt. He is a wonderful Daddy to our three kiddos and a kind husband to me.


  1. What beautiful photos. So nice to see when someone gets their happily ever after.

  2. Aw, such beautiful photos and happy memories! We got married in August too. It was also hot on our day (but not quite 100 degrees!).

  3. What a beautiful couple! I love seeing pictures of other people's memories. Picture explosions are kind of my favorite. I like to see things from other people's perspectives. :D


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